Control ...


New Member
I was just wondering if it is safe to do mushrooms in my room. If I do them in my room at home I am in a safe enviroment and am relaxed in a state of mind and am able to play soothing music and have the toilet next door if I need to yack or something ...

Is this a good idea becasue I do not think I will have a "Bad/Mean Trip" because I plan on having 1 gram and then waiting 1 hour and having another gram, is this a good idea for a first try? or can I have more? I hear people split a 1/8 which is 3.5 grams? could I do that and have over 3 hours at one hour intervals?

Wait 1 hour after you experienced the peak effects. Make sure that you can go outside and are with friends. If you live with your parents, wait until they are away for the weekend or go somewhere else, some controlled environment, like a friends house. The dosage depends on the kind of shroom.
i took shrooms in my room at home and it was fantastic; i hav fairy lights in my room and it made it all feel really safe and like i was in a magical cave in some mystical land, but when i left my room the rest of ma house felt really harsh and freaky! - luckily 4 me my parents don't care when i take shrooms! - Next time gonna try them outside as it meant to be really cool to be in a natural environment. i took 30 grams fresh (about 3 grams dry??) of psilocybe cubensis (howeva ya spell it?!) and 4 me that was a well strong trip, n i took em all in about 20 mins - noticed small effects straight away - thinkin next time eat more gradually (?) Bring on d shrooms!
I took 15 psylocibe cubensis mushrooms all at once and it was a really good trip.

I did it in my own home on my own and (as usual) there are heavenly periods and downer periods.

At the end of the trips I always seem to get an upsetting thought that goes through my head over and over and over again. But I've always taken the mushrooms in the evening (around 8pm) and I think it may be because I'm feeling really tired.

I'll do them a lot earlier in the day next time.
MCJognny Shush i have that same effect at the burning out stage of my trip . Its weird i felt like everything was a broken record skipping over and over again, and i kept saying the same damn thing. Someone told me it was called.. i forgot got what it was called. lol .