Favorite ways of preparing San Pedro

The Baron

New Member
I just ordered a San Pedro cactus.

Sorry I didn't get it from your store but they were all out. Now that I'll finally be able to try something like this I will be able to wait and order from you when you get them in.

Anyway I rushed delivered it and it should arrive anywhere from 3 days-3 weeks, quit a time jump I know.

What would your recommended dose for a beginner be? (I know I can make tea out of the skin but that takes so long so the first time I use San Pedro I will just save the skin for another day.)

How would you recommend I deal with the inside? If I were to pour sugar or honey over it would that lessen it's effect?

Should I blend it up and drink it?

Does it work better if you chew it slowly?

Tell me your own personal favorite preparation.

Thanks Mike
The best way from what I have heard is to strip the skin (the waxlike part)and remove the needles. The part that contains the most mescaline is right under the wax layer. This is the dark green part. Once it is stripped you can eat it like corn. The taste is horrible but the trip is say to be magnificent. I got this info from a customer in our shop who tried 3 different methods (incl. tea). He got the best effect by eating it like I explained above.
HAHA, good there is no way I could put up with boiling it for so long.

I can handle bad tastes easy,

For I have tasted the worst tasting liquid ever when I over dosed on pills (Not suicidal) and they gave me this drink that was some kind of liquid sulfur to help my liver. I had to drink a shot or so of it ever 4 hours for around four days, it tasted and smelt like a mix of rotten eggs, salt water, and raw sewage.

This was the first time I ever became extremely afraid of tasting something, I literately would dread the next dose and would rather have had suffer pain then take it again.

Nothing on this world could taste that bad, I heard San Pedro tastes really bitter no mater how biter it is, it can never taste like the liquid evil liver helping drink known as Mucimist (Probably misspelt).

If you ever od'ed then you probably know what I am talking about.