first time


New Member
the next few days i will take shroomz for the first

time in my life,i have fresh psilocybe mexicana,

and i wonted to now how much should one person take? (first time),and how should i take theme,dry or fresh?

i would be very thankfull for a response!!!


dont eat them fresh, make sure they are dry, it has a greater effect; for ur first time 2 or 3 grams should be sufficiant, yet the first trip is also the most exciting and intense so if u want to make it really good possibly eat more, just dont eat more than 4 grams at first
bullsh*t, fresh are more potent, simply because drying is often done too quickly and potency is lost and also fresh are absorbed by the stomach better.

with psilocybe mexicana (philosophers stone) depending on how you wanna trip depends how much u should take, here is my rough guide:

-5grams buzzy and things are very funny,

-10 grams more of a trip, mild hallucination, strong philosophising about the meaning of life etc (and yes- on a higher dose you'll probably think you've discovered it!)

-15 grams same as above but stronger

For more effect wash your mouth thoroughly with an alchohol based mouthwash which cleans your mouth and lets the tissues become more absorbant, then chew it for as long as you can bear (10 mins if possible) and you'll get a much quicker and stronger effect.

Good luck and have fun!!!
