First timer....a few questions


New Member
hello everyone, recently i have become interested in trying shrooms. from everything ive read, they sound amazing. i was just wondering a few things. First of all, do you have memory the next day? ive seen some things taht say yes and some say no. also, do different shrooms do different things, or are they all pretty much the same? and, when on shrooms, how easy is it to controll the trip as in grip reality? is it compareable to being high or drunk or what?

You can remember things on lower doses as you could with alcohol but as with alcohol the more you ingest the fuzzier things will be (memory wise). As far as keepin your grip with reality this also depends on the dose. Depending on alot of other factors as well. Type of mushroom, tolerance etc.. A low dose would be around one gram dry weight. You are very much in touch with reality at this level. At around 1.5 to 2 grams you begin to loose grip a bit and at 3-4+ you probably would have a very difficult time remaining in touch with reality. Experinceed mushroomers can take larger doses only because they have become comfortable with losing all touch with reality and not being frightened. The high experienced with mushrooms is nothing at all similar to drunk or high (weed). It is a some what edgy experience for me. You will probably feel very odd and sureal. You definately won't feel like your self. You should definately test the waters (at a low dose). Also try to keep in mind for future experiences-do NOT take too much. In other words because you loved the experience at 1 gram don't take 2grams the next time to increase the experience. Doing this my lead you into a very uncomfortable and possibly scary experience. Respect it for what it is and safely work your way into a comfortable experience adding only a small amount more (if desiered) per experience.
Heres my take as someone who is sorrounded by rookies all day long, most of them spend thier first time like a kid in disneyland, looking and feeling and tasting everything that appears soft edible or shiny. but after a while you begin to remember the fact that you have a job and parents and a last name and thats the point where you need to change venues to prevent boredom and that emotional rollercoaster the less you think the better, keep yourself amuzed non stop and keep the dosage lower than 3g the first couple of times.