How long do Shrooms last in your system?


New Member
Hey I am 18 and have been doing weed for a fair while but have now stopped because I want to join the army and I know that they piss test you for that sort of thing. However im interested in taking Magic Mushrooms maybe just once and im wondering how long does the chemicals or whatever last in your system? Can they test you for that sort of thing? How long would be safe so that i can take them and be clean for my test? If anyone has some reliable information on this, that would be great.
You should try different linkes about mushroom and drug testing and you will find that psilocybin if I remembered correctly stays in your system for about 3-4 days or even less it really depends on you metabolism and such... but after 3days it really should be out. Usually they dont test for psilocybin but you can never be too careful, try to find out somehow what they do test for.. well thats the info that have. I think that has links and even drug test products that you can purchase.

Smiley is right, the standard Urine Analasis dosnt test for Psilocybin or any other psycotropic drugs. Mainly they test for Marijuana, Cocain, Methanphetamines, Stimulants and Downers. I do believe what I read about how long they can find traces in a UA (if they are looking for it) is 1-2 weeks. But dont worry dude they wont look for them. I have a friend in the Air Force and she triped with me twice last time she was on leave and passed her UA.

Mushroom Master Grimple
I have a suprise test every month and have had a test the day after. No problems.

Fact #1 90% of what gets you high in shrooms is out of your system by the time you come down, about 4 to 6 hours.

Fact #2 Psilocybin turns into Psilocin as soon as you eat a shroom and Psilocin is what gets you high. Psilocin is water based and leaves you system through tears, sweat and urine.

Fact #3 I read a phamplet in the early 90's that showed what test they use to detect every drug, Mushrooms were the only drug listed with "N/A"

Fact #4 I know a "LOT" of service people that only use shrooms and sometimes other trips, without any problems.
