How much salvia do u need?


New Member
How much salvia do u need when you eat it.... will it have as good effect as when u smoke it or will it not work as good.
Hey I bought some Salvia and it came with some instructions on how to do it. first thing you need to know is what strength is it do you have 5x, 10x, 15x, extract. I had 5x extract and i would smoke (not eat) mine. I would pack one bowl and smoke as much as i could in one toke. Remember to hold it as long as you possibly can. It would give me this wicked rush and one hell of a brain buzzing i liked it ok, but its not something i would do every day.
and what about the dried leaves? Im curious about those, how much do you need from that before you get into the clouds?

and how long do you have to chew them?
If your really what to get the full experience with dried leaves, you should smoke it.

When you chew the leaves ( it doesn't taste good!!!)you have to chew about 15 minutes. The longer you chew the longer the experience. But chewing longer doesn't mean it will get more intense! you should take 2 grams. Not more.
ya eating salvia is a waste..smoking it i guess is a decent alternative to weed but i dont care much for it, the 5x and 10x extracts pack a killer buzz for oh..30 seconds then tapers off very quickly..i took 2 hits of some good 10x extract (careful where u get it from,some extracts are weak) and within seconds i was gone, i tried to stand up and fell down and laughed about it, interesting but died down in 30 seconds, after that its just a mild buzz, not worth the price or time
I'd say the only case in which Salvia is not worth the price nor time is if you expect it to be a weed substitute. Otherwise it's amazing. :)

If you smoke good quality extract properly you'll be completely projected into a new mindscape for five to ten minutes, which, given the intensity of the trip, is more than enough to make for a fascinating experience.

Just don't expect to be able to physically do anything other than lie down and mutter for the duration of the trip. ;)
Quote: Originally posted by dcyphure on 2003-Mar-22
ya eating salvia is a waste..smoking it i guess is a decent alternative to weed but i dont care much for it, the 5x and 10x extracts pack a killer buzz for oh..30 seconds then tapers off very quickly..i took 2 hits of some good 10x extract (careful where u get it from,some extracts are weak) and within seconds i was gone, i tried to stand up and fell down and laughed about it, interesting but died down in 30 seconds, after that its just a mild buzz, not worth the price or time

Well I think the thing is, is that Salvia really isn't an alternative to weed. If you want an alternative to weed, I recommend stuff like blue lotus, or things like Lenorus Sibliricus ( I think I spelled that wrong)