Kit question


New Member
I am 9 days far with my kit and the pinheads are comin up really nice. But only on 60% of the kit. The left side has only pinheads on the sides. Not in the middle.

Could it be solved with spraying some water on the kit?
No, do not spray directly on the kit, it will stop pinning. The mycelium is looking for the fastest way to oxygen. This may be through the left side. Take a clean fork and scrape a bit of the top layer on the spot that is not forming pins to let it have acces to oxygen. If water is needed you can poor water into the sides.
A new problem arose

I ve got a brown mushroom-alike thingie.

It was the first pinhead that showed up in my kit, its some days old but last night it turned brown.

What should i do with it?

Remove it and above all, is this an infection / mutation and are my mushrooms still eatable?

Picture 294.jpg

Its the brown round thing left to the biggest mushroom.

Aha, found the reason.

Kit was too moisture.

But should i remove it anyway?

And what about picking my first flush.

The largest mushies (+- 4 cm) are opening their caps.

But there are a LOT of smaller ones that are still growing

Only pick the biggest ones or pick them all?

You've probably already picked them, but in case anyone is wondering, you should pick the mushrooms on an individual basis, just before or just after the veil breaks (this is to maximize potency).

Clear skies,
