microscopic prospect


New Member
Dear boys,

i had had a trip experience where my sight turned in a microscopic sight. It is very wonderfull, i was seeing for instance the floor of hard stone outside my house and all the little black hole in the floor was moving.

Like a complex mechanisms of a strange and living atomic/molecolar insect.

I was feeling like Zeus or other God of the greece phanteon just up on that life or like that scene was for me only and stop.

When the trip finished the microscopic sight also finished. But the remembrance give me some sensibleness. Know somebody what i'm saying?

Wow! What happened? I can understand your post! Is this somebody else posting as Zenmaster?
Anyway, I experienced this many times during a trip, but never a whole trip. I also experienced it several times during a few very enjoyable LSD flashbacks, which I had short after LSD use.

That time i was using 2 gr. dried mush. psilocybin, not lsd.

The time that i used lsd (a good superhoffman) my more shocking experience have been that the two peoples that that time were with me in a not quite student room of an apartment center city, but without they used lsd, and i think just also a little against lsd, was that i realized like i was gone or very near to dead because their look was similar like they were crying at some funeral with much suffering, and my fearful very big told to me to stop that experience and come back again because in that moment i knowed that if i was continuing in a couple of hours i was really dead.

I know that for individuate... sorry in this moment i have to leave this pc because somesody need it, but in a few moments i will come back

They were so kind to me but also like they wanted say some stuff without to have the courage of speak. In anycase they appear to me like some machine that do not had the possibility to emancipate theyself
Sorry i wright to you from my university/philosophy/department (informatics room) and some time happend that i have to leave the position. I do not have internet access in my mousehome, because i'm very so poor and do not have money to by a computer and many others stuffs.

So we can say that the microscopic sight could be applied also to other stuffs.

In particular also on the skin of a face?

And the result could be that in the case mind think to crying for instance but still do not do that, but in anycase transmit the intention to the face;

so whit microscopic sight thank to lsd, mush. and so on, we can see in advance the preparation of the skin that follow the mind in crying?

But i ask! i was really go outside my body?

Why that peoples was going to crying? i know what i was seeing, but they what were seeing? a cadaver? a next dead body? i do not know. Know somebody what i'm saying?
I have been wondering this question about you: What is your native language?
They where probably seeing somebody they worried about.
Dear Sha-manic,

my native language is italian, and i have on line dictionary for check 90% of the words i use in this forum.

But you know not all are similar for about the position of their soul.

I know that my english is sometime or often bad.

But i know also that thank to error it is possible create some other words and discussions and meaning.

I know that in italian language it is possible speak on drugs experience-drugs where i could explaine better my mind.

But i do not know, for me the best country in this planet is netherlands because you have coffeshop.

I have been there in am.

I could speak of our experience in italian languge and maybe a will do so.

So i do not risk to offend somebody if i can not use english language like you all use.

So if i understand you would like say to me that is better if i go in a italian forum and speak of this stuff with them. Wonderfull if it is so for one mounth i nether will wright more in this your forum, nor i will read more.

In anycase thank you.

I was only interested to know where you are from. You are welcome on this forum here. I do not want to offend you in any way.

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