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i have a question how addictive are mushrooms? or are they at all? i dont know much about them and a friend of mine has just started using and i am trying to learn a little more about them if you use them quiet often (more than the once a month thing)what can happen or will happen?? what are some long term effects?
I don't think shrooms are addictive or a "gateway" drug as alot of ppl will tell u. i did shrooms a handfull of times in highschool and just did them a few weeks ago. It was about 5 years since i did them. i would suggest u try them at least once, then decide for yourself. Would'nt worry about the addiction part, knowing your own limits is part of finding out who u are as a person.
I am a first time user and would very much like to have them. However. I have waited about two months... or so since I got them. Now they have like a foil on them. What is this? Like a mushroom mold. I don't want to be eating mold...:)LOL.

The little pieces of silvery stuff is not covering them, it's splotchy, like scabbs or something. Please help me out. Thanks...