shrooming too often?


New Member
hey, i just did shrooms for the second time and, just like the first time, i absolutely loved it! (except for when i smoked some pretty shwagy weed and whigged out for about an hour, but i guess that happens sometimes.)

i want to do it again but i've read a few times on this site that if someone is shrooming every day or every week then that is a cause for concern. i was wondering:

a. why is shrooming too often not good for you?

b. how often is it safe to shroom?

c. are there any long term physical or mental side effects?


A. You have to come down, before taking of again. Your psyche needs to process your experience first. It takes 3 weeks for the active principals of shrooms to totally leave your body. It is not for nothing that shrooms will not work as well if taken within this period. For example: if one would take shrooms for the second day in a row, one would need almost a double dose and the 3th even more, etc...

B. Not more than once per month max.

C. Psychically not, mentally it is possible to unleash a unwanted psychological process that may be below the surface, before one takes the shrooms. This is why one should not take shrooms if mentally unstable. For healthy persons taking shrooms is no problem.
hey Sha-manic, thanks for the quick reply. just to follow up on the question a bit, what exactly does it mean that your psyche needs to process the experience and what are the harms in taking mushrooms again before your mind has had a chance to do this?

thanks again


The insights that you get from shrooming can have a profound effect, because the psychedelic experience on itself is so intense. It takes a few weeks before to process these mental or emotional insights. To give them a place, so to speak. If you would start a second trip within this time, the intensity of the second trip would wipe out the integration of your insights into ordinary life.