Shrooms w/ Ritalin


New Member
Shrooms a Ritalin. I very much DO NOT recomend the combination of the two. I have probably tripped over 20 times and the only bad trip i've ever had was when Ritalin was involved. Me and my friend aquired about 5 10 mg ritalin pills, crushed them, snorted them before our trip off shrooms kicked in. We first felt a rush off the ritalin instantly. Then the shrooms took over and everything felt dreamlike. Shrooms is almost like a neutral interface and the ritalin gave us direction. When most people trip they think about strange things that would be cool but rarely act on it 'cause the trip effect is intoxicating. Anyways as the night progressed we (for some reason) decided to lay our money on the floor. We started thinking primative and talked about how money was worthless and that a brick could get us anything we wanted. We were so close to burning all $617 dollars because (at that point) were so convinced that the system was bull sh!t and a brick would be the answer to our prayers. Well needless to say we eventualy came down and came to our senses. I do not think any kind of 'speed' or 'stimulant' would be best for shrooms. You are already proned to be little parinoid so dont push it. Beer is the best thing to calm one down off of shrooms and the #1 thing o do if you have to go to bed and work in the morning!!