Uh Oh


New Member
alrite...my friends older brother is a big time druggie, and I think he's also a dealer of Mush and Bud. n e ways, he told me that shrooms make your brain bleed..is that true, or just another scarry thought placed in out minds by antidrug freaks???
ya, its true.

its not like gushing blood, but it is how you hallucinate

think of eating mushrooms like getting food poisoning

good poison though.
What the hell!
Where do you people come up with this garbage?!?!
Your brain does NOT bleed. Certainly not like a paper cut or anything like that.
That is ridiculous.
The effects of psilocybin are not fuly understood when metabolized by the human body , but an effect such as 'brain bleeding' is presposterous!
If you could cite any credible sources for your info mattkeay, I may be more inclined to believe you, but as I, with much research under my belt regarding psiloclybe mushrooms, ahve NEVER EVER heard of such a thing, reject your misinformation.
Vicky, don't worry, the long term effects, if mushrooms are used with MODERATION are nil if anyting.
As with anything, too much of anything is bad for you.
my doctor.

i have never heard of the lochness monster actually existing, but apparently it does. and apparently there is no 's' in preposterous

the infamous research from "under your belt" seems to resemble the simple technique of copy/paste information from the internet into this box; eat more mushrooms and read less internet, then compare our posts with garbage.

too many of your posts are bad for you, well anyone.

Your friends older brother is probably trying to scare you of with stories of brain-bleeding. Taking Magic mushrooms is not without risk, but the risk is only psychological, not physical. If you are mentally stable and 18 years or older I would not worry about is as long as you read up on the subject before trying.
About toxicity: You need your own weight in Mushies to kill yourselve. By way of comparison: you can fill a large room with 60 kg's of shrooms. The Dutch government has investigated the risk of mushrooms and found that the have little risk to public health. See:
for details. (in Dutch)

If you are interested there is lots of info on Shrooms on the following websites: