Brilliant experience


New Member
I took 15 grams of truffles. I chopped them up fine and put them in heinz tomatoe soup. After simmering them for 15minutes i ate my soup. At first I didn't enjoy it as I felt slightly sick, but after about 20 mins, it wore off. Everything was really psychadelic, e.g things I looked at where distorted in that stereotypical way. I put Bob Marley on the stereo and I started having a psychic debate with the music, kind of like the music repeating my thoughts, and the more I pushed my thoughts, the more intense the visuals got, like in a wave. I smoked some hash, in a joint, and lay down on my bed, my arm started to melt and it was absolutely amazing and hilarious. I have never been able to meditate before, but I was deeply philosophical and my music debate was made more interesting by contemplation of God. I would recommend smoking a joint whilst tripping as it is really cool. has anyone else had a similar experience? I think next time I will increase the dose, although I am a bit aprehensive about the initial sickness
oh ya once i took shrooms and then drank 40 and smoked 2 joints then a cigar :) i got home by a bus that i didnt know took me to my house, before i went on the bus or after, im not sure... i bought some rice, the rice was very strange the more i ate the hungrier i was finally when half of it was gone i opened it and it spilled my fork, then i had to eat with a spoon. the weed doesnt change the trip other than just adding the usual effects of a joint ;) :thumbsup:
Weed and Shrooms are the sh*t together! Everytime I trip I always smoke at least 1 joint and 492 cigarettes. I don't have the spiritual trips. The trips I get are more of a psychedelic kaleidoscope of distorted thoughts, twisted motor skills, and insanely vivid visuals. I love it!!!!!!
The only problem is, I want to be like that all the time. I remember thinking that I want to be permanently tripping cus it is so cool, so I might just take mushrooms for e-va.
Smoking weed while triping will increase confusion and visuals. It will decrease the insights and your remembrance of the trip.
Has anyone seen Fear and loathing in LAs Vegas? It was on telly on sunday. Wow that is a funny film. I laughed myself stupid. Jonny Deps voice, man that cracks me up
Yes I saw that movie, while tripping! And man let me tell you it was so insane. I was glued to the TV the whole time! It was like They were feeling my vibe. Very awsome!:(