can u mix alcohol with shrooms?

Urm...i have had a few drinks before taking shrooms but the effects are totally different and i find shrooms just sobers me up to the shroom trip n cancels out the drink! But i guess just try for urself - but wen i say "a few drinks" i mean only about 2 vodka mixers, i aint tryed shroomin while nethin more than lightly relaxed on alcohol - i would think anymore boozin n it'd make ya throw up - plus i wudn't see the point - 2 very seperate activities = gettin drunk. shroomin. ! Have fun in da land of shrooms tho!
Well i haven't tried it - i gess it never occurs to me to drink alcohol while in a shroom land head! Bt based on the fact that shrooms often unsettle my stomach (n can make sum ppl actually sick - i find tht hard to bleve tho) anyway the likelyhood would be feeling nauseus from the combination! Only one way to find out tho...!

Have you tripped before? bcos i usually feel very "calm/dreamy" (at first neway) on a trip neway. you could try smoking weed, if you don't find your calm enough tho, i reckon it's a better relaxant than booze -plus combines better with shrooms!
naw i've never done shrooms before, but thats the thing. ppl say that weed makes them calm, but with me its the complete oposite, it makes me supper hyper and sometimes even *twitchy*. the only thing that calms me down and makes me enjoy it is drinking some alcohol.

so i figure since ppl say shrooms make u calm it might do the oposite with me.

but i guess ur right. u never know till u try. lol. i just hope i dont throw up cause ive never thrown up in my life, so i dont know what its like, and from what ppl say, its not that nice. lol.
Don't worry about being sick, it'll make u paranoid on tha shrooms! Just go wit da flow n tha likelyhood of u throwin up is very small! Have fun in da land of shrooms!
If little alcohol makes you feel more comfortably, go and drink. But not much. During the trip, ive had a few beer and did nuthin. But like everyones sayin; if you wanna get drunk when shroomin..not recommended, no point whatsoever and probably makes you puke or sumthin..
people tell me that drinking and shrooms are a bad idea because your get really f**ked up on it. but im talking danked out and shroomed out you get EXTREMLY f**kED.

i did it one time and the next time i do it will probly be nuyears
i don't find that alcohol really upsets my stomach too much when i'm on shrooms, but then i don't find that it necessarily calms me down... the thing with drinking while on shrooms is, at least for me, you can drink like a fish, and it doesn't really hit you...

although i find that doing combinations of any substances i use there's always one that overpowers the other...

one cocktail i don't suggest: 1/8 shrooms, about 6-8 beers, a roll, and lot's of hash/weed... feels great while you're all f'ed up, but can do a number on your stomach by the end of the night...
I've taken a couple Jager shots with shrooms and it just gave me more of an awake/alert high, but did really nothing else.
From what ive read on the sites, drinking is good if your having a bad trip. drinking only makes you drunk and lose your trip, from what i hear. people should just trip and be satisfied with the great item mother earth has given us, not distort the best tripping of all.
hEY I am back !!!!!Well I can definately say that mixing is not at all bad. Actually I had a blast but if there is one thing that I have learned is to try it all for yourself. Everyone is different.:D :D
Quote: Originally posted by Ocean on 2004-Jan-20
If little alcohol makes you feel more comfortably, go and drink. But not much. During the trip, ive had a few beer and did nuthin. But like everyones sayin; if you wanna get drunk when shroomin..not recommended, no point whatsoever and probably makes you puke or sumthin..
i got a ques i just got 2 grams of dry shrooms it will be my first time tryin them im planning on smoking a couple joints 2 but i got the thursday and im waiting for 420 how long does it take fo rthem to go bad?and should i do 2 grams or just 1


im 20 years old and i can say im an advanced shroom user

my advice to everyone is yes consume alcohol before and during the trip, the reason for this is that for some the first hour may be caracterized with a lot of nauseas,wich may influence the way you take during the trip, when you have a medium quantity of alcohol on your blood your body is kinda nunb and your head is lighter and more prepared to enter the trip, in many ocasions alcohol may save you from a bad trip cause it calls you back to reality. The basics to enjoy a trip is the way you enter it, i advise the unexperienced ones to try mushrooms only in safer enviroments in wich you feel like home, bc the shrooms absorve the enviroment in wich you are inserted and the energys that flow from the ones surrounding you..

Yes drink alcohol (but dont get yourself drunk as hell), and very important also is music it will guide you thro a trip. The greates feeling one can have with shrooms is learning to explore your mind and to control the allucinations.
WEll when I've had shrooms the occasional can of beer gives me a pleasant body sensation, normally I wouldn't feel any effect off a single can (bearing in mind english cans are much larger than U.S where they are generally coke-can sized I believe) but a can occasionally helps make me feel nice :)

Best of luck,

I once took shrooms when i was very drunk..... it was not a problem.... i just became more in a silly mood like u often get on alcohol. So for me it was ok. but i think its better not to mix the to of them its to very different type of "highs" (if you can call drinking alchol a high) dont know if its such a good idea for the kindes thoug..... mabey dehydration is a problem... so ill say drink alchol when you whant to get drunk. take mushrooms when u whant to get in touch with the divin:D
well, As I was told in school, (Damn I love the Netherlands)the effect of shrooms and alcohol is opposite. Alcohol makes you rude and a bit dumb/narrowminded while shrooms make you open an understanding, but what really helps is smoking passionflower. it strengtens the trip while on shrooms and if you smoke it afterwards, the trip comes back.

I use passionflower as a standard while on shrooms.
i done about 25 shrooms one day and they didnt really do anything to me then the other nite had 3 cans and 20 shrooms and was trippin off my face