Mushroom Newbie, just took a 1/16th,


New Member
um, ah, hi. I just took a half of an eight (1/16) of some mushrooms my pals say are great. Now the problem is I am feeling definately different, but the full effects have not hit me yet I am sure. Will I be tripping later tonight? Probably, but I wanna know for sure.

I am 21, 155 pounds. Oh and I didn't eat dinner, but I had a big ass lunch 5 hours ago. Gulped the shrooms down with a nice cup of OJ.

So, I am not too sure what my question was, wait. I should wait. These things take time... Damn.

Ok OK, I have a second question, the mushrooms were given to me three weeks ago, I just have not had the time to take them. Will the shrooms go bad, or lose potency?

Ok. So I am tripping, sorta...
Cool. Well hopefully you'll be having a good time by now - assuming the forum times take time differences into account. 1/2 of an eighth (1.75g) is a very reasonable amount to start with, but it's not a huge dose, so don't expect the stuff to grab you and propell you into another dimension! :)

If you're still waiting for things to happen, try to do something, take a walk in a park or in the woods, or go and sit in the garden and look at plants/animals. If you just sit in your room waiting, it might be that you miss out on most of the effects. You need some interesting stimuli.

Some people clame that the vitamine C in OJ make the trip come on faster. This is debated, and in my personal experience it slows things down. The one time I took shrooms with OJ, they took well over 2h (and a walk in the park) to come up.

As for losing potency, how did you store them? Given the dose, and the fact they weren't visibly rotten, I'm assuming they were dry. :) As long as you kept them in an airtight container (e.g. a ziplock bag), in the dark and away from high heats, they should be fine!

Have fun! :)
Well, I had a blast. The mushrooms were kept in a ziplock bag in the dark. The carpet in my house is something pretty damn cool. Looking at tree branches is pretty damn cool too. Pretty much an awsome time. For a while I tried reading and the letters jumped up and down rippling all over the place (of course they didn't leave their rows). Getting to sleep was a little bit hard but I blame the cupcake I ate at 1:00 am. :)

It took about 1.5 hours to start tripping by the way. This seems to support your OJ theory. Interesting experience. I noticed as the trip was coming on a sense of wonder. I felt like a kid again, looking at everything with a great sense of interest.

Ahh well, I gotta go. Thanks for the helpful reply. I noticed you post a lot on these forums and thought here is a good guy. Keeping the new guy out of trouble.