Trichocereus peruvianus widely known as the Peruvian torch is a fast growing, columnar cactus with a bluish-green hue and thick spines. The areoles or spine cushions are beige/light brown in colour. Native to the Andes of Peru, this relative of the San Pedro cactus is considered one of the more potent mescaline containing trichocereus cacti; some reports indicate that the Peruvian torch’s potency is similar to if not greater than that of peyote. Trichocereus peruvianus grows just as quickly as the San Pedro cactus and is an excellent choice for grafting. Peruvian torch seedlings can be eaten for an intense, visual, psychedelic trip. Grow the seedlings to about 10cm, then carefully peel off the skin and eat the seedling. Considering the intensity of the trip, not recommended for novices!
Content: 20 seeds (Non-edible)
Links for More Information
Exploring San Pedro and Trichocereus peruvianus
Growing peyote and other mescaline cacti from seed
Identifying and treating mescaline cacti diseases
Not for sale to minors. Not suitable for those under 18 years of age. Do not combine with alcohol, medication or other drugs. Not suitable for those with psychological problems or a psychiatric past. Do not use during illness, while pregnant or breastfeeding. Not suitable for those with epilepsy. Can influence your ability to react; do not participate in traffic or operate machinery while under influence.
Legal Note: We sell our plants for purpose within the limits of the law. If your local laws prohibit the consumption or the processing of these plants then only use these plants for ornamental purposes.