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How to Grow Feminised Photoperiod Cannabis Plants

March 20th, 2019 in category Exploring the entheogens

Growing photoperiod strains is incredibly rewarding. For successful cultivation, you’ll need to keep a few factors in mind.

How to Grow Autoflowering Cannabis Plants

March 20th, 2019 in category Exploring the entheogens

Autoflowering cannabis plants are easy to grow, whether you’re a new or experienced grower. Autoflowering strains bloom automatically regardless of light. So, when’s the best time to germinate and grow these fast growing, fast flowering, potent strains? Keep reading.

How to germinate cannabis seeds

March 5th, 2019 in category Exploring the entheogens

The best way to germinate cannabis seeds

We store cannabis seeds cool and dry in the refrigerator. Before you start germinating, allow the seeds, in their original packaging, to acclimate to room temperature for 48 hours. Germination requires moisture and temperatures between 22 and 25 degrees Celsius. There are many ways to germinate seeds, but the highest germination rates are achieved by using unbleached coffee filters placed in a plastic zip bag and kept in a dry, dark and warm spot (e.g. closet). Using this method seeds usually germinate within 3 to 7 days. Be patient; sometimes it can take more than 3 weeks.

Consuming peyote cactus

September 9th, 2017 in category Exploring the entheogens

The most well-known method of peyote consumption is removing the woolly tuft, chewing and swallowing the peyote buttons. Another method is drinking grapefruit juice alongside chewing the peyote buttons; the acidity of the juice neutralises the bitterness of the peyote cactus. Others grind the peyote buttons and encapsulate the ground cactus material. Some boil the peyote buttons for several hours and make a powerful but pungent peyote tea. Though most users tend to prefer consuming peyote quickly, gradual consumption spread out over an hour or so is recommended to reduce the shock to your system. An empty stomach is recommended; fast for at least 1 day or 6 hours before taking peyote.

Consuming San Pedro and other Mescaline cactus.

September 9th, 2017 in category Exploring the entheogens

Trichocereus cuttings
The simplest method of use is to chew up and swallow the skin of the fresh cutting. Start by removing the spines. Some people chew the skin like they would corn on the cob. Others remove the skin and boil it for several hours in water to make a potent tea. The green tissue just below the skin contains high concentrations of mescaline. Do not eat the woody white core, the alkaloid content of the white core is scant. To use every part of the cactus, remove the spines and either slice, crush or chop the cactus before boiling. To dry the cactus, slice the cutting into disks approx. 1 cm thick and allow to dry thoroughly in an oven at 121⁰ C.

Growing peyote and other mescaline cacti from seed

September 8th, 2017 in category Exploring the entheogens

How to grow peryote and san pedro from seed.

Identifying and treating mescaline cacti diseases

September 8th, 2017 in category Exploring the entheogens

How to remedy cactus disease for peyote, san pedro and other mescaline cactus. 

Growing from mescaline cactus cuttings

September 8th, 2017 in category Exploring the entheogens

Rooting and growing cactus cuttings: instructions

You will need a 4-6” clay pot and the soil mix detailed below for the best results. It really is worthwhile to mix up your own batch of specialized cactus soil. I have been experimenting with cacti soil mixes for years and this is what I have found works best for this specie, and many, if not most, other species as well. I have studied the soil types of many different cacti in their native range… And I can locate wild specimens by locating the correct soil type. This is a good potting mix:
- One part commercial bagged topsoil.

Exploring Peyote (Mescaline)

August 1st, 1999 in category Exploring the entheogens

Peyote has a long history of use as a medicine and sacrament. Prehistoric trade in and knowledge of the sacred cactus was apparently well established prior to the European conquest of Mexico. At that time, Spanish Inquisitors declared its use to be a punishable crime against god. Ironically, native peyotists, relying on the humble cactus for divine guidance and inspiration, became targets of often ruthless evangelism.

Exploring San Pedro and Trichocereus Peruvianus (Mescaline)

July 31st, 1999 in category Exploring the entheogens

The San Pedro cactus has gained considerable fame in the past five years after numerous reports that it is hallucinogenic, Contains mescaline, and is readily available from cactus nurseries. This plant known botanically as Trichocereus Pachanoi is native to the Andes of Peru and Ecuador. Unlike the small peyote cactus, San Pedro is large and multi-branched. In its natural environment, it often grows to heights of 10 or 15 feet. Its mescaline content is less than that of peyote (0.3 - 1.2 percent), but because of its great size and rapid growth, it may provide a more economical source of mescaline than peyote. One plant may easily yield several pounds of pure mescaline upon extraction.

Exploring Salvia Divinorum (Salvinorin A)

July 28th, 1999 in category Exploring the entheogens

Salvinorin A (the major active principal of the plant Salvia divinorum) is an extremely powerful consciousness-altering compound. When the herb Salvia divinorum is consumed either by smoking the dried leaf or chewing the fresh leaves the effects are usually (but not always) pleasant and interesting, this is because when used this way the amount of Salvinorin A absorbed into the blood stream is usually very small and in the case of the chewed leaves it is absorbed into the blood stream very gradually.
Like all trips that vary with the individual, set, and setting as well as dose and route of administration. Salvia produces a short-lived inebriation that is very different from that of alcohol. However, like alcohol it interferes with the ability to drive, produces incoordination, and may produce slurred speech. The inebriation at low doses can resemble that of marihuana in certain ways. At higher doses resemblances to hallucinogenic states such as LSD and Psilocybin produce occur. At still higher doses there may be resemblances to dissociate states such as Ketamine produces. As the qualities of the intoxication will vary with increasing dose, it is useful to have a scale to describe Salvia trips.

How to harden and grow your Salvia Divinorum Tissue Culture:

July 21st, 1999 in category Exploring the entheogens

With hardening we mean the removal of your Salvia Divinorum tissue culture plant out of the tube and planting the Salvia Divinorum tissue culture plant.
Most important is that the Salvia Divinorum plant should not dry out.
Besides that, it is important that the Salvia Divinorum plant gets enough light. A good place to grow the Salvia Divinorum plant is behind a north facing window. In winter you can best use a fluorescent light at a distance of about 15-20 cm above the Salvia Divinorum plant, because there not enough daylight during the winter.